sábado, enero 20, 2007

that's the dilema!

hoy en español noma xq ando media desanimá

Si el año pasado por estas fechas me hubieran ofrecido el mismo viaje que me ofrecen hoy, lo habria tomado sin pensarlo dos veces.. = voy a stgo, casita con los tios, mas encima abuscar un asunto de $.. = piola

Pero ahora es distinto, no quiero ir pero tngo que!... alejarme de mi querido pueblo x algunos dias.. mmm la verdad no es esa. Lo que me duele es alejarme demasiado de quien tiene mas del 90% de mi corazon con el ... pero aun si hoy.. el dia antes de irme no lo pude ver, escuchar ni nada..
me da lata.. como que ya no quiero ir na
pero si no fuera xq necesito $ pa la U!! uuuyyyy xq tene q ser tan fucking importante el dinero.. me empelota esa wea!
no me queda otra

que lastima pero Adios
me despido de ti y me voy :(

lunes, enero 15, 2007

The closer the better

For some strange reason today I feel sad.

And I say strange because I'm a very happy person... the reason of my sadness is "auscence" of half part of me...

And the story continues:

I used to be very happy without having someone to love( that was 2 years ago). But now everything is different. That "choosen one"is completely necessary in my life.

And you get scared.
You used to love your independence but now somebody appears and takes a place in your heart and mind...(100%)

Uff! complex!
When I was alone before I used to be happy... why when I'm alone now I can't be happy too??

Mmmm , a new meaning of happyness appears in your mind? am I wrong?

To be happy now is " to share":
but mainly Love ; to share your life and learn about this new important person too(VIP)

Now I know why I'm sad... it's 'cause half part of me is not here near to me, sharing...

I miss U "My Love"

viernes, enero 12, 2007

My own story

Probably this is not going to be a very original story,a love story about my life, my adventures... just about me.

Love is a strange thing
sometimes you don´t know what to do
or what to say, what to think
when a surprising sensation starts... all over your body, and fills your mind

Yes... yes.. it's what are you thinking about now... you fall in love !(it could be Peter or John..)

That fantastic and magic sensation touched your heart... your life.
Have you ever fall in love with someone? How many times? Was it real love??

But, lets think about this complex phoneme...
how do you describe "Love"??mmm easy question?... not for me!

Is it just when you want and "need"a physical* contact with your couple?

or it is "more than that "( BSB)

This is my first time.... I think and feel that I fall in love with my "someone"
I want to be with him all the time
and kiss him
and hug him
and listen to him

but the most important about this new sensation,
this new feeling
Is that I want him to be happy

That's love
That's God